Cheating or Hacking within the server will cause a PERMANENT BAN WITH NO POSSIBILITY OF UNBAN. This server maintains 0 tolerance policy against cheating.

Permanent ban for that.

You'll be permanently banned if you act as if you're an admin, and temporarily banned if you act as if you were another player.

Team attacking as an infected is prohibited, especially when you're a tank where your attacks matter the most.

Team attacking as a survivor is okay UNLESS the survivor you're attacking is incapacitated or black and white. This is because you can farm score on a survivor by helping him up but attacking incap or B&W will finish off the survivor and that is breaking the rule below this one:

You are not allowed to perform any action that intentionally harms your own team ( for example, stealing from a non-burning teammate while you're burning*, stealing a trapped survivor and using !buy kill to save him, committing suicide as survivor ETC )

* If you're a burning hunter and you're stealing a survivor from a smoker, it's justified because hunters are deadlier and if you do so you might manage to kill him, but consider using !buy fheal to avoid death while burning.

Despite the fact that rushing is sabotaging your own team, it's allowed.

You're not allowed to camp in the safe room* / Molotov bots to block their path and doing actions that are meant to delay the round's end**

* You can camp in the safe room if for example you're in Death Toll and the finale has already begun in order to avoid the karma charges and the finale will still accelerate through the end, but if you do it before any finale starts you're trolling.

** Infected are allowed to do annoying actions that are meant to delay the round's end.

You're allowed to swap your team as long as the teams are fair.

Team Stacking ( defined as making the teams pros vs noobs ) is a bannable offense. If the teams are caught off the balance, an admin may either shuffle the teams by ranks or move some pros from the stronger team.

This is a server of a game that promotes virtual genocide, any sort of insulting and profanity is allowed as long as it doesn't spam, even towards admins.

Not only is this an adult game, I recall it's possible to disable custom sprays in Options, so any porn spray etc is allowed.

You're not allowed to spam the chat, it's annoying.

You'll be permanently banned if you are caught abusing bugs, depending on severity. Simply report the bugs here: [REPORT BUGS!]

List of bugs that are allowed:

1. Spawning inside the safe room with the glitch.
2. Using 2 or more boomers to cause velocity overflow, launching a survivor to fly and get karma slapped even if he lands on the ground he was launched from.
3. Charging a survivor that is trapped by a charger, causing the survivor to be moved based on your land area and releasing the charger from his duty while removing his charge cooldown.